Welcome to the Tango Club of Albuquerque
The Tango Club of Albuquerque is a non-profit organization created by the tango community of Albuquerque, New Mexico and surrounding areas to promote Argentine tango. We sponsor workshops and other events, offer education in dancing techniques and the history of Argentine tango, and provide opportunities for social dancing.
Our Venue
Albuquerque Square Dance Center
4915 Hawkins St. NE, Albuquerque
Note: Google Maps and the ASDC website list the address as 4915 Hawkins, but the building is labeled "4909-15."
Subscribe to Tango News Email
Subscribe to Karen's Tango News to receive up-to-date information on tango-related activities in Albuquerque and elsewhere in New Mexico, as well as occasional tango happenings of interest around the country. Subscribers will receive the TCA Tango Update on Fridays, plus other other select event reminders. Subscribe here:
TCA club members are automatically added to the TCA Member Announcements List if they provide their email address when they join or renew their membership. Members on this mailing list receive TCA club member announcements and reminders of regular and special TCA events.
TCA values your privacy and does not share mailing lists with anyone. Subscriber names are not visible to others in any message sent. You may unsubscribe at any time by using the subscription preferences link at the bottom of every email sent.
If you have any questions about list subscriptions, please email info@abqtango.org.